
Thursday, 4 August 2011

The Study Shows That Users Of Internet Explorer Lower IQ

If you're reading this, use, or not read it, and groped to close Safari or Firefox, does not judge, but unfortunately, you can be part of this statement. As a Canadian company AptiQuant have found their research entitled "Intelligent Quotient and the browser in use," that users of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) browser, have an IQ lower than users of other browsers.

AptiQuant is approximately 101 326 participants over the age of 16 use your browser's IQ test. Participants are grouped according to the browser. In the end, the results show that users of Internet Explorer has an average score IQ just over 80, then at least with respect to the quotient of Firefox users / Chrome and Safari / Camino have IQ over 110 and 120, respectively.

Research has also added a very interesting point, which indicates that older versions of IE users are even lower IQ. This is actually a little evaluation versions of browsers such as IE6, which were the enemy of the developer's failure to comply with web standards and safety. Now you see why Microsoft have started to ban the use of IE6, earlier this year.

In the end, it displays the results: "Individuals have the bottom of the IQ scale tend to resist change / update your browser now that we have a statistical model continued use of browsers, more steps can be taken to dispose of this nuisance." .

It seems that those who say that without the study, they could not tell this story.

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